The Landscape Character Assessment that we have recently commissioned for the Neighbourhood Plan involves walking the local footpaths and roads around the Parish. We have been asked if there are any key views that parishioners feel are of outstanding beauty or interest that should be highlighted.

For instance there is a Northwards view from the footpath which leads from the old Dolphin pub down to China Bridge which is quite a picturesque view of the south part of the village.
As you pass down King’s Lane, again heading North, there is a lovely view of the Old Mill next to the River Blackwater.
Finally, the approach to All Saints Church over the golf course from the Blackwater is a particularly wonderful view which has been enjoyed over the ages.
Bearing these examples in mind, are there any other views that you can think of that would highlight the beauty, history, and tranquil setting of Stisted village or other areas of the Parish?
If you would like to contribute your ‘views’ to the Neighbourhood Plan, please leave a comment below, or with the details. If you have photo's of the view you are writing about, please include them, particularly if they show the view in Spring, Summer or Autumn.
Thanks for your help and participation.